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Nate Deaton

Greetings UK! 

   My name is Nate Deaton and I am an incoming graduate student for the MS in digital mapping program. In 2015, I graduated with a BA from Centre College where I was first exposed to GIScience while undertaking archaeological projects in the Levant as well as a research assistantship in Varanasi, India for a former professor of mine. In 2017, I graduated with an MA in Archaeology from Tel Aviv University in Israel where I gained further experience and interest in GIS application. I currently work as a GIS analyst in Lexington, KY for a Cultural Resource Management company that conducts regional archaeological surveys within Kentucky as well as various nearby states.  

  My exposure to GIScience granted me insight into the myriad ways that this subject can be utilized for asking geo-specific questions providing answers related to policy reformation, community-building, better planning practices, and digital humanities. The MS in Digital Mapping thus seems to be a natural extension of this vision and I couldn't be more delighted to begin classes this Fall term. 

   On a more personal note, I'm a music enthusiast who enjoys playing bass and piano, hiking/backpacking, and riding bicycles (ir)responsibly as fast as I can. I have a wonderful partner with a beautiful dog and a disgruntled yet most-affectionate cat. I thoroughly look forward to developing a relationship and collaborating with you once the semester initiates!